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The quickest way to solve your coding errors

CodePass automatically finds solutions to your coding errors while building a historical knowledge base of trusted solutions.

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Problems we're solving for developers & teams

Searching non-relevant content

Developers waste hours every week reading non-relevant or outdated answers on Stack Overflow and Github Issues.

Solving the same errors

Team members struggling for hours on an error because they don't know it was already solved.

Information silos

Recording of solutions to internal errors is fragmented among various systems: Google docs, Word docs, internal wiki's, or nothing.

How it works

We turn your raw logs into rich problems and analyze them using reactions (e.g. upvotes, likes, etc), natural language process (NLP), and more to find relevant solutions from GitHub, Stack Overflow, and our knowledge base.

The solutions your errors need

CodePass' personalized results will help you improve productivity and solve your errors faster.

Results are based on your stack traces, dependencies, environment variables, and more. Solutions will be ranked according to developer intent with the most helpful at the top.


CodePass automatically extracts supported error messages from your logs into rich structured data.



Similar problems share characteristics and can provide valuable insights into possible solutions or next steps for diagnosing your problem.

Commits show the code changes applied by other developers to successfully solve a problem similar to yours.

Quickly view all of your project dependencies to expedite reproducing the problem and recognizing potential causes.

Logs are the source of truth and origin of CodePass error analysis. All data is sanitized to remove sensitive information and provide security for the submission of logs to CodePass AWS infrastructure.

Historical knowledge base

CodePass remembers your previous problems and solutions so you don't have to. Filter past problems by project, date, type, and keywords. Share your problems with your team members to collaborate on solutoins.

Personalized solutions


Personalized solutions help you solve errors based on trusted team feedback and positive reactions to shared solutions.


Ranking of solutions are based on you and/or your team confirming whether the solution worked.

Aggregated from your favourite sources

CodePass automatically extracts data from popular sources such as: Stack Overflow, GitHub, and our growing CodePass knowledge base.

Shareable link you can send to anyone

Everyone needs help or a second set of eyes. Quickly get help from a friend or team member to review a problem or verify a solution.

Share your solutions

When a solution is not found, add your own! If you or a team member has the same problem CodePass will automatically show your past solution.

Improve productivity

Automated search and curation

Reduce development risk and deliver projects on time. CodePass helps you save time and improve quality of output.

Reduce knowledge drain

Capture critical knowledge from software engineers before they leave the company, go on vacation, or just plain forget.

Eliminate context switching

Remain focused and enganged on current tasks by eliminating the need for countless open tabs and hours in pair debugging calls.

Supports your tech stack

Some of the programming languages and frameworks we support are: Node.js (JavaScript), Python, TypeScript, Java, Angular, React, and WebPack. Fill out our survey to add languages or libraries you want us to support.